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A World of Darkness

Chat RPG

M20 | W20



Once a bustling metropolis, Los Cielos stands as a sprawling labyrinth of decay and desolation, its ​skyline jagged with skeletal skyscrapers. The city's name, meaning "The Skies," is a bitter irony—​its heavens are choked with perpetual smog, casting a dim pallor over the crumbling streets below.

Survival here is a daily battle against a landscape of derelict infrastructure, where the echoes of ​past opulence are now buried beneath layers of ruins and trash. Lawlessness reigns as gangs and ​scavengers vie for control over dwindling resources, and the remnants of civilization cling to ​whatever semblance of order they can muster. In Los Cielos, hope is a rare commodity, and the ​only certainty is the relentless struggle against a city that has become a brutal test of human ​endurance.

The Awakened and Gaia’s last warriors are struggling against this suffocating truth .Their ranks ​are dwindling rapidly and perhaps they are the last ones of their kind in this city. Many have fallen ​to their darker callings... In this hell you may reign as a devil after all.


Los Cielos is a game that will highly emphasize a very hostile living environment, paired with dystopian vibes and lovecraftian influences. We value character development and deep talks, moral conflicts and occasional beacons of hope we'd like to see from our players. 
This game features mature and graphic topics that can be hard to digest. Discretion is highly advised.
By submitting a character and participating in game play players agree to be at least of age 21.
We use a designated chat for the game.


On the losing side...

The Technocratic Union has won and the Tradition Mages are becoming more rare than ever. But... the Union is not responsible for the horrific dreams and visions of apocalyptic measures, since all visionary Awakened seem to have them. While the Technocracy rules the city, they seem to struggle with the city's problems on all ends and they don't like to admit that even their ranks have been diminished. In the shadows of misery Marauders and Nephandi gather and thrive, responsible for unspeakable daily horrors. Every other day a Sorcerer or Mage seems to disappear without a trace. Is this city lost? And what about the rift that the Hermetic Order whispers of in secret? Even the Euthanatoi are restless, perhaps having seen too much. And yet, something is singing to the Avatars of the Awakened, calling for them. May it be hubris or a call of duty. It is time to find out what looks back at you from the void.


History repeating itself?

Two septs are left behind, abandoned without a trace of the Glasswalkers. The wolves that are left are fighting Harano, speaking of great horrors that can't be named. Kinfolk are disappearing left and right and the Gnawers say there is something in the water. The spirits are mad or tainted, the Wyrm is in every nook and cranny in this forsaken city. But the Garou are hard to kill. Begs the question what killed them afterall.


I hate this city

Seriously, you should have left when you had the chance. Yet you're here every day, going to work like murder and rape is a normal thing, ignoring the stench of trash and rot everywhere. You became numb and blind to it all, telling yourself this happens everywhere. You're just a faded version of a once colorful yourself. But life does that eventually.
What are you living for? Who knows. But something will come your way, right?



Everyone is expected to behave in this game. Harassment of any sort will not be tolerated. If there is an incident, report it to a Storyteller, who will look into it. We expect people to be respectful and use their common sense. However if that fails we will use a three strike system. On a third valid complaint, a player will be banned from the server. In the event of issues with a Storyteller/Admin  another Storyteller or Admin (or player if lacking one), agreed upon by both parties, with adjudicate.

X Cards

When submitting a character, please include two lists - "Absolute No-Go" topics and "Ok, but sensitive" topics. The former will be avoided in scenes involving your characters but may occur elsewhere. The latter may occur in scenes involving your character but will not be done in graphic detail. Aside from this, in ANY scene, if you are uncomfortable for ANY reason, just state that you are playing an X card and the scene halts (anyone who does not halt may be subject to a strike). A Storyteller will contact the people involved to determine how to proceed, including an effective and quick exit for the character if that is the best route forward.



Characters will receive 1 XP per week. Characters will receive 1 XP per week for playing in a scene with an NPC, PC or ST-lead personal story. All other XP will be awarded at the end of the scene it is earned in or by ST for exceptional roleplay or character development.


Crossover and character limits

A player can have the maximal amount of characters of four in total across all venues. You can have one character per venue and side venue (e.g. one wolf, one Mage, one sorcerer and one kinfolk, NOT two Mages and two Werewolves). A crossover character will take up two slots since you are playing in two venues, lowering your maximum character count to three in total. Your first character cannot be a crossover character and you must be actively playing for at least three months. The total amount of crossover characters in game will also be limited. To ensure a certain game quality the ST will monitor this closely and will retain the right to revoke any characters, that are gamebreakers. 


Character Creation - Mage

  1. Character Submission

    Submit characters using editable pdfs like this one: Charactersheet
    Please use This for rotes. 
    Contact us on discord to submit a character.


  2. Character creation

    will follow the standard 7/5/3, 13/9/5 point system described in M20 with 15 freebie points. We will also allow switching one (attributes) to two (ability) points if it fits the character concept. Please note this on your sheet if you make use of it.
    Tradition mages and Disparates (including Orphans and minor Crafts) will be accepted, but note that this setting includes Tradition strongholds, but no major locations for most Disparates and will therefor also be restricted.
    Child characters will be permitted but restricted, and should be created via the systems in Book of Secrets after (!) ST agreement.
    Player controlled familiars are accepted but restricted. This will be subject to case by case decision of the ST. Player familiars are created with Gods and Monsters and after ST agreement.
    Starting PCs have 1 dot in the Resonance trait. Every Mage starts with 1 point in Avatar that does not subtract from the 7 background points.
    All merits and flaws in M20 and Book of Secrets are available, but some will require background explanations to justify them. If you chose one of the rare or more powerful ones we expect explanations or it will be denied. Note that some of them will be limited due to their rare nature. No more than 7 points of Flaws may be bought at creation.
    Exceptional backgrounds may receive a bonus of up to 20 extra freebie points at the Storyteller's discretion. We value original and creative background stories and heavily emphasize on building unique characters with layers and their own believes. 


  3. Resonance
    Resonance has complex and confusing rules, along with Synergy, in M20 Book of Secrets and core, the rules for Resonance in this game are:
    Characters start with 1 dot in a Resonance trait 2) Resonance Traits are adjectives describing their Magick
    - Effects that align with them get difficulty benefits, that oppose them get difficulty penalties, more than one can apply to an effect
    - Awareness rolls to detect someone or something magical are at diff 9 - highest resonance trait, additional rolls can find additional traits (which can be useful in identifying sources for people with many traits) 5) Resonance increases in magically significant moments.

  4. Affinity Sphere
    Strictly, Affinity Sphere does not NEED to be one of the character's faction's affinities. Any sphere may be chosen, though an unusual affinity should be justified in your background. Make sure to have at least one dot in the affinity sphere. 
  5. Familiar/Companion
    The Familiar/Companion background is as in M20, and requires one point of Tass per dot per week, rather than the one per day of Thaumivore (which is for PCs) in G&M. Similarly, NPC Familiars are made with 10 freebies per dot. 
  6. Merits and Flaws
    Merits and Flaws may be purchased anytime after character creation for 3 x rating experience points and valid explanation. 
  7. Correspondence
    In this game, Correspondence follows two rules from Revised rather than their M20 counterparts:
    - Correspondence is not needed for line-of-sight (or generally, sensory range) effects
    - Correspondence is needed as appropriate independently, not equal to the highest sphere in an effect

  8. Sorcerers are created with Sorcerers M20.

Character Creation - Werewolf

  1. Character Submission
    Please use editable W20 such as this one: Charactersheet 
    Character creation follows the W20 core rulebook.​

    Contact us on discord to submit a character.
  2. Any attribute at 1 or 5 at creation should be explained to satisfaction of the staff

  3. Rite background can purchased above 5 with freebie points

  4. Characters should be age appropriate and no PCs younger than 18, any children or wards need to have sufficient kinfolk background or something to take care of them, 

  5. Homid born: May only purchase Primal Urge with Freebie Points at character creation

  6. Metis deformities must come from the W20 book.

  7. Fera/Hengeyokai/Ahadi Garou/lost tribes are not allowed. Please don't ask.

  8. Restricted Tribes: Black Furies, Star Gazers, Wendigo, Uktena.

  9. Banned Tribes: Red Talons. There is no reason Red Talons would be in this hell hole for any reason short of a new Impergium.

  10. Kinfolk are created according to the W20 Kinfolk book. 
    The merit Gnosis will be restricted, as well as Numina due to their rare nature. Please make sure the contingent of available crossover characters is still open. Kinfolk with Numina count as crossover characters.

Character creation - Mortal

  1. Mortals are created with the regular 6/4/3, 11/7/4 point system. Swapping 1-2 points may be allowed and must be stated on the sheet.

  2. If you are planning to have this character awakened or turn into a Garou get ST approval first

  3. You are mortal, therefore no supernatural merits and flaws are allowed.

  4. Backgrounds like influence higher than 3 are restricted and must be approved by ST


Living in Los Cielos is hell for most people, who aren't privileged and superrich. Basic needs are hard to come by in this hostile environment. Water shortages due to the ongoing drought and power outages due to waning resources are relatively normal in this city. High crime, poverty, depression and frustration rule the daily live of a citizen. It is very likely a mortal has encountered a number of tragic incidents in their live. Make sure to implement such, we are in a World of Darkness after all.​

Join us



Please reach out to the ST in discord first. We will the direct you to the chat after navigating through the character creation process.


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